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Wall Stone

Large Colonial Wallstone ~ 3
Item #10 :: Large Colonial Wall Stone: 3" x 5"

Colonial wall stone characteristically has a natural flat surface on both sides with at least one snapped straight edge as shown. Each pallet weighs approx. 3000 lbs. and comes in four sizes sorted by thickness. Colonial wall stone comes sorted in 1"thickness, our 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" thickness, 3" to 5" as shown and 6" to 8" thickness are available.

Large Colonial Wallstone ~ 5
Item #10 :: Large Colonial Wall Stone: 6" x 8"

Our 6" to 8" Colonial wall stone characteristically has a natural flat surface on both sides with at least one snapped straight edge as shown. Each pallet weighs approx. 3000 lbs. and comes in four sizes sorted by thickness. Colonial wall stone comes sorted in 1"thickness, our 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" thickness, 3" to 5" and 6" to 8" thickness as shown are available.

Flat, Natural NY Blue Wallstone
Item #10 :: Flat, Natural Blue Wall Stone:

Blue Colonial wall stone characteristically has a natural flat surface on both sides with a snapped straight edge as shown. Each pallet weighs approx. 3000 lbs. and comes in 2 1/2" to 3 1/2" thickness,as shown.

Item #14 :: PROJECT PHOTO:

Natural Field Wall Stone

 To reduce your waste each pallet of wall stone is sorted and stacked by hand for size, color and quality and consistently reflect the natural color and characteristic of the fieldstone from it's origin. Wach pallet weighs approximately 3000 lbs.

Sunrise Wallstone
Item #14 :: West Mountain Red Wall Stone:

West Mountain Red wall stone has natural snapped edges to control uniformity of wall stone when laying either dry or wet. Wall stone come in two thickness a 3 to 5" as shown or a 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" stone. Each pallet weighs approx. 3000 lbs.

Item #14 :: Appalachan sunrise Mixed Wall Stone:

Sunrise mix is made up of 5 variations of our natural wall stone products. Surface area of each stone is flat with snapped edges. This beautiful wall stone was designed to give you a natural contrast with any one or more of our natural patio wall stone materials.

Item #14 :: Black Creek:

As shown, very dense stone with a natural smooth surface area, comes in two sizes. Excellent for retainer walls or as a bridge construction material or for wall stone applications.

Item #10 :: Large Wall Stone:

Mother natures finest natural Field Stone. Characteristically, has a natural flat surface on both sides with irregular edges and thickness as harvested from the fields. Each pallet weighs approx. 3000 lbs. and comes sorted in three sizes. Color veries depending on geographic origins.

Item #10 :: Large Wall Stone: 

       Natural Field Stone. Characteristically, has a natural flat surface on both sides with irregular edges and thickness as harvested from the fields. Each pallet weighs approx. 3000 lbs. and comes sorted in three sizes. Color veries depending on geographic origins.

Item #14 :: Wall Stone:

     Standard natural Field Stone. Characteristically, has a natural flat surface on both sides with irregular edges and thickness as harvested from the fields. Each pallet weighs approx. 3000 lbs. and comes sorted in three sizes. Color veries depending on geographic origins.